Monday, January 23, 2012

Bump Update: Weeks 19 & 20

Hello my dears!

We are back from our babymoon rested & ready to power through and get ready for LBL to arrive & the Behemoth to be finished.
Week 19 in Key West

I have lots in store for this week but thought I'd start with a bump update. I am definitely getting rounder, I was lamenting to my mom about how high I'm carrying and she said that she was the exact same. It's fun to see that my pregnancy is similar to my mom's.

Our next midwife appointment is next week and we have our ultrasound in 3 weeks. Even though we're keeping the gender a surprise it will be wonderful to see LBL.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Day I started hating beyonce

Deciding in LBL's name has been incredibly difficult.

Jus & I were able to agree on a boys name 4 years ago but girls names were tricky. We've gone around and around on baby names. Jus had his favorites and I picked a name I loved. Jus hated it and stuck to his favorites and I kept searching.

Growing up with popular names we wanted something unique yet recognizable. Girly yet able to fit a woman. Sweet yet serious. I finally found a name I adored that Jus was on board with. Ivy. Perfect for a little girl with bouncing dark curls and for a woman who could do whatever she set her mind to. Unique enough that we didn't know any yet easily recognizable as a name & word.

So imagine how I felt when I read that Beyonce and Jay-Z had named their daughter Ivy Blue, and then a couple of hours later when I saw that the name was actually Blue Ivy. There was my favorite name, plastered on every celeb site & tabloid for everyone in the world to see & consider.

Granted I knew Ivy was semi popular, holding rank at 299 on the Social Security website, but I liked that it mostly flew under the radar. Beyonce choosing it as her daughters middle name brought it into the spotlight where I'm convinced that millions of other pregnant ladies saw it and fell in love. And if there's anything I do know it's that I'd hate for LBL to go through her life being Ivy L.

In truth I think Blue Ivy is a sweet name, I preferred initial rumors that it was Ivy Blue but overall the combination is cute for the little girl of musical royalty. But dammit, Beyonce, couldn't you have chosen any other name?

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Deciding to have a baby

Part 1
Part 2

When we left off it was August, a week or so before my 26th birthday, and I was freaking out about the possibility of having a baby way sooner than originally planned. I was worried that the Behemoth wasn't completed, that Jus & I hadn't been married long enough, and that we were too young to be tied down. There were trips to take, concerts to go to and a lot more alone time to be had before a baby entered the equation.

 While I lost sleep worrying about the fact that my body & struggles with endometriosis were going to throw our entire plan off track. Jus started to get excited about becoming a dad. He dreamed of little league and guitar lessons.

 After many hours crying, talking & laughing we realized that while maybe our life wasn't where we expected it to be when we had kids our life was pretty wonderful. We had stable jobs, a great house and lots of love.

And when we thought about it what difference would a year or two really make? We'd still be Jus and Cole, living in the Behemoth, with no clue how to raise a child.

We agreed that our desire to have children was greater than our desire to wait to have those children. We knew that if we waited and my endometriosis continued to get worse that the likelihood of having any children would go down and in the end that risk wasn't worth it. Jus and I decided to have my Implanon removed early and to try and get pregnant. Worst case scenario we couldn't get pregnant but as least we'd be able to come up with a plan rather than wait another year or two in limbo.

I had my Implanon removed and immediately started charting my temperature, trying to catch my fertile days. My doctor had said that my body would be ready for a normal cycle and I kept my fingers crossed that a pregnancy would happen. Over the next four weeks I took 8 pregnancy tests, all which resulted in negatives. I cried, feeling like a fool for missing my fertile days, worried that the endometriosis had scarred me badly enough that a pregnancy wasn't a possibility for me.

And then, 28 days after my Implanon was removed Jus accused me of being pregnant and to prove him wrong I took the last pregnancy test I had hoarded. I sat in the bathroom waiting for the control line to show up without the positive line. I looked down one last time and lo and behold. My hands were shaking and I started crying.

I had a big reveal planned for the moment I would finally be able to tell Jus but he was in the next room and there was no way I could talk to him without giving it away. I ran to the next room, wrapped up an Eddie Vedder onesie and shoved it in Jus's face without a word. He opened the bag, pulled out the onesie adorned with his favorite musician and said "Oh this is cute...wait, really?"

And in the three months since that day I've realized that we were right to go ahead and try earlier than planned. We still don't have a kitchen, I'll only be 26 when this baby arrives and we need to travel more but the love we have for each other is the place a family begins to grow.

We'll take our children to concerts and let them explore the world alongside of us. We'll get a kitchen eventually because that was the plan all along. But for now we couldn't be happier that this little baby will be turning us from a couple to a family an for all of the adventures that that will bring.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Bump Update: Week 18

This week has been a big week in the land of LBL.

Big because I feel like I've popped and am starting to feel like I have a serious belly going on. I feel like look like I've been eating too many ding dongs & drinking too much beer instead of growing a baby for the last 4 1/2 months.

Also big because I finally felt LBL for the first time! I had felt some flutters before but was unsure if that was the baby or gas but this week I felt some flutters and then BAM! LBL did a sumersault. I'm incredibly anxious to start feeling the baby move every day & for Jus to feel LBL too!

Stay tuned tomorrow for the next installation on how we decided to have a baby.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Adventures in Planning the Future

I originally wrote this post on August 22, 2011 but was too scared to post it at that point. I was sick to my stomach realizing that our plans were changing and was trying to come to terms with the fact that babies might be a reality way sooner that we had initially thought.

I've vacillated about writing this post for a week now. I'm not even sure if I'll post it but I'm sitting here, one big ball of nerves and I can't think of what to do except spill my guts or cry for an hour and I don't think it's something that's worth crying.

When I was 10 I got my period. Sitting in 5th grade science class, snapping at my partner because he wasn't making our lightbulb light up right. I was the first in my grade to take the step into womanhood even though I was one of the youngest and the school nurse sat me down to explain all of the things we had yet to go over as a class.

Throughout middle school I was riddled with cramps and would often miss at least one day of class a month. The summer after 8th grade I started having irregular periods. For the first time I had a period that lasted 2 weeks and was dangerously heavy. The following year I visited the OB/GYN for the first time and was put on birth control for the first time.

In the 8 years that followed I tried every type of oral birth control possible, and yet sometimes my period would last 2 weeks, sometimes it would come every other week, and sometimes I needed vicodin to ease my cramps. Eventually it got to a point that the nurse practitioner I had seen thought I needed a surgeon and my new doctor suspected I had endomitriosis. In the summer of 2007 they did laproscopic surgery to look for endomitriosis. As I went under anesthesia I told my mom that I knew I would marry Jus.

As it turns out I have endomitriosis on my bladder as well as my uterus, which meant that cauterizing it off wasn't an option as it would burn through my bladder. Following surgery it was decided that I would go on Lupron, a shot that would essentially put my body through menopause. The idea being that we would be "rebooting" my system. Lupron shots lasted a year resulting in a year of hair loss, no periods, mood swings & hot flashes.

During that year Jus was subject to many tears, often he would ask why I was crying and I would say I just didn't know and then cry more because I was crying. (vicious cycle, eh?) The fact that Jus stayed with me through that time makes him even more amazing. Jus & I often say that since we got through that year we can get through anything.

Following Lupron I was put back on oral birth control and had six months of period free bliss which was followed by a year or so of the most regular, normal periods I have ever had. But of course it didn't last. Once again feeling stuck by my situation my doctor recommended that I get an Implanon insert. Implanon lasts for 3 years and I think that if I was a regular girl with regular periods it would have been a wonderful choice. When I went on Implanon at 23 Jus & I decided that when it came out at 26 I would go back on oral birth control for a year and at 27 we'd start making babies.

I'm currently wrapping up my 2nd of 3 years on Implanon and for the first year it was pretty normal. Cramps were bad but I was having one period a month. Of course life doesn't stay normal for very long. This year I've started getting my period every 3 weeks.

Since July 22 I've had my period 3 times.

That's 18 days of the last 31.

Yep, it sucks, I have cramps that aren't controlled by prescription pain killers and every time I get my period I automatically feel drained. I am so tired of having my period, being able to cry at the drop of a hat and being medicated for cramps. Not to mention the lack of intimacy that comes with constantly having your period.

Lately Jus & I have rethought the whole baby making thing and had decided that when the Implanon comes out in September 2012 I'd stay off birth control. We wouldn't measure my temperature or go crazy but we wouldn't try to prevent pregnancy. That gives us a year to get the Behemoth finished and get our brains wrapped around the fact that we'll be parents within the next couple of years.

Last week I had my yearly, I had just finished period #2 and started the appointment by telling my doctor our plan. She was excited to hear that we were getting ready to have a baby because for the past 4 years she's been telling me pregnancy is the only option at fixing my endomitriosis.

And then she started talking specifics: I need to get healthier, not drop a ton of weight but get to a point I can maintain throughout pregnancy; I need to start taking prenatal vitamins next summer; and I need to get pregnant within the first 6 months of going off birth control. She's worried that after the first 6 months my endomitriosis pain will be so bad that birth control will be my only option.

That's where the record screeched to a stop. Jus & I were planning on being casual about the whole baby making thing and she's telling me we have 6 months at most?

Last week this is where the post was going to stop, I hadn't written it but was planning to open a discussion about this whole planning thing and trying to mentally prepare yourself. I figured most of my readers were about the same age and could help out with some opinions about overcoming the fear & excitement that has washed over me this week. I haven't been able to talk about much besides babies and Jus is feeling good about the situation too.

When I started period #3 Saturday I wanted to cry. In the last couple of months my endomitriosis has gotten so much worse that all hell's broken loose and I'm afraid that over the next year it will just continue to get worse. I'm terrified that I'll end up having my period every single day and when we start trying the endomitriosis will be so bad that I won't be able to get pregnant.

So now we're talking about taking the Implanon out early. As much as I look forward to having a baby with Jus it really freaks me out. I know there is never a good time to have a baby because they will always change your life in ways you'll never know. But don't you think it's a good idea to have a kitchen first?

I'm not even sure the purpose of this post. I'm so excited, nervous, worried and stressed, I can barely think about anything but our future babies. I find myself getting lost looking at baby items on Etsy. And every once in a while I can't believe we're this grown up, it was just a couple of years ago that I was a kid, right?

If I've decided anything in the past week I think it's that couples who are blessed with surprises are lucky because they don't have to go through the stress of planning when to bring a life into the world.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

First Comes Love, Then Comes Marriage (and a little planning)

I've promised to post the story of our plan & how our plan got changed & how we ended up expecting LBL.

This is going to get personal, it's going to be long but I won't go into how LBL was made, because I'm sure you all had sex ed in middle school.

To start out I'll give you a little timeline of our life.

2007-Jus & I started dating
2008- Bought our first house
2009- Got engaged & got Edie
2010- Got married & bought the Behemoth
2011- Got pregnant
2012- LBL will join our family
Baby Cole & Jus circa 2007

Needless to say, Jus & I would be ok with some down time. When we started dating at 21 & 22 it didn't take long to realize that we'd get married. And as the story goes first comes love then comes marriage then comes the baby in the baby carriage.

When we began to realize that we'd be spending the rest of our lives together we knew that babies would be in our future. At the tender age of 22 we decided that we'd wait 7 years until I was 29 & Jus was 30. Plenty of time to get a house, have some fun & go to lots of concerts. Three years later we were on the verge of marriage when we realized that we were still saying 7 years, we readjusted our reality and settled on 27 & 28.

But if I've learned anything in my life it's that you can't plan your life. Every single time I've had a plan it's been shot to hell, and every single time my life has turned out better than I could've imagined.

Stay tuned tomorrow for a post I wrote in August about coming to terms with the fact that our plan was about to change.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Bump Update: Weeks 16 & 17

First I have to admit that we're bad future parents and missed taking pictures during weeks 13-15. I promise when Little Baby Lehman is actually here we'll take lots and lots of pictures.

Last week was my 16th week and I feel like I'm finally starting to show. If there's any time in my life I wish I had been skinnier it's now. I'll go into our plans in detail later but if I had been able to start this pregnancy smaller I would've started showing earlier and then I wouldn't be going crazy waiting to be obviously pregnant. (I'm also fully aware that in a couple of months I'll be as big as a blimp and wishing I was where I am now.)

We have our next midwife appointment tomorrow and are going on a tour of the birth center to see where LBL will be born.