Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Fat, Lazy & Dirty

As Jus got into bed last night he said "Oh, no shower?"

I'm not entirely sure why he's surprised as to the fact that I chose not to shower today. The most I choose to do on any given day is wear some jeggings, take a nap & eat 5 pounds of food.

But honestly, I have no motivation. When faced with the choice of going to bed a little scuzzy or getting out of my jammies to shower I'm going to choose to go to bed. Perhaps if I didn't feel so bloated that it hurts to roll from side to back or perhaps if my legs didn't hurt after walking ten steps a shower would seem more appealing but at this rate I'm firmly in an every other day sort of shower pattern.

Before my BFP I'd get tired but I could power through, but it seems as if as soon as that second line appeared my body gave out. In all of my pre pregnancy naivete I thought that the exhaustion kicked in in the third trimester and I'm still struggling with the every day reality that I get tired because I'm pregnant. And because I'm pregnant I need to take it easy & give myself a break.

So I'm sorry, darling husband, for now I choose to be fat, lazy & dirty, we can talk again in the second trimester.